How to be a Successful Media Spokesperson | Advanced Level Referesher

TV News Londons How to be a Successful Media Spokesperson advanced level refresher training is full of live interviews by experienced reporters with questions tailor made for you.
In one day we help people move up to advanced interview techniques – international interviews, how to deal with an aggressive journalist, crisis scenarios, debating contentious issues and so on. By the end of the day you’ll be ready to face the most provocative situations and still communicate your message with confidence.
Course Overview and FAQ
Training options
Our How to be a Successful Media Spokesperson advanced level refresher training is aimed at:
Business executives or anyone who wants to be a spokesperson for their organisation in the media.
People who have had experience of media interviews and want to develop their interview techniques to handle discussions, debates and crisis scenarios.
- How to deliver effective radio and television interviews
- Techniques to deliver effective television and radio interviews including hostile interviews
The journalist’s agenda versus your agenda, how to take control of interview situations. Do’s and Don’ts.
- Advice on dealing with hostile interviews
- How to Deal with Confrontation
- Advice and preparation for Radio Panel Discussion
Gain experience of both studio and location interviews
- Gain expert insider guidance on advanced interviewing techniques
- Gain an overview of television and radio news and current affairs
- Gain advice on make-up, style, and grooming for television from a professional Television Make-up Artist
After undertaking this training you will leave fully prepared and ready to face the most provocative situations and still communicate your message with confidence.
- You will know how to best take control of hostile interview situations.
- You will have gained essential television and radio interview experience ‘as for real’ with studio interviews and location interviews
- You will have expert insider guidance on advanced techniques for preparation and delivery of effective broadcast interviews
Before the course we need you to provide:
Information on two current topics that you wish to be interviewed about on radio and television during the course.
Background information can include internal briefings, press releases and/or press cuttings. You will be interviewed as though these are real news stories happening on the day of the course.
Part of the course will be delivered in a meeting room briefing giving you a briefing on TV and Radio Interviews: Advanced Techniques.
This will cover:
- The journalist’s agenda versus your agenda, how to take control of interview situations. Do’s and Don’ts.
- Advice on dealing with hostile interviews
- Advice and preparation for Radio Panel Discussion
- Dealing with Confrontation – The ‘One plus Two’ interview
You will then be given many practical Radio and TV interview exercises to do ‘as for real’ and then these will be reviewed and critiqued.
You will cover Radio interviews in the morning and TV interviews in the afternoon. These will be recorded in the radio studio and TV studio.
There will be breaks between practical exercises and a sandwich lunch break in the room.
Please wear something you would wear if you were going to be interviewed on TV or Radio. Dressing down is not appropriate for this course.
Please avoid any shirts/ blouses with stripes as this causes cameras to strobe.
Also avoid any earrings and large jewellery
Feel free to bring different jackets/blazers with you to try.
Depending on your choice this training course will take place at a training TV & Radio studio in London or at your office premises. There is also an online option if you prefer.
After the training course we will follow up with the following actions:
- You will be given a TV News London Top Tips Card – all the advice you need on a wallet sized card
- Each participant is provided with recordings of their interviews
- Follow-up Report – Each person taking this course receives an individual follow-up report detailing strengths and points to watch as well as advice for the future
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“We have worked with Roz and the TV News London team on a number of occasions and have had excellent feedback from our senior spokespeople, with positive improvements in their media handling skills and confidence”
ROBERT BLEVIN - External Communications and PR Manager, University of Surrey

“I have worked with Roz for many years, and she is the best in the business. She has helped us put our senior client teams through invaluable media training ahead of appearances on live TV and radio. The whole team at TV News provide challenging but informative sessions that give constructive, meaningful feedback that is actionable. I definitely recommend her to anyone in need of top-notch media training.”