By Roz Morris, Managing Director, TV News London
TV News London has just run a very successful Instagram performance workshop for the #SKP Collective. These are 12 hairdressers from the UK and Ireland selected by Schwarzkopf Professional UK to boost the Schwarzkopf Pro brand of professional hair products using their own IG accounts.

“All of the attendees at the workshop were full of energy and enthusiasm for their work and had lots of interesting ideas, so it was a pleasure to help them to practice recording videos on their phones and make their performances more professional “ says Roz Morris, TV News London’s Managing Director @tvnewslondon.
“We also provided advice on planning, content, structure, lighting, as well as eyeline, posture and body language. These are just some of the many variables that come together to make a video convincing and interesting to the public and help to build loyal followers on Instagram.”
The trainees found the workshop very helpful. Here are some of their comments:
Rebecca Jacques – Bad Apple, Birmingham @rebeccajacqueshair
“I found Roz’s advice on scripting techniques and focussing on structure and simplicity so useful. Just focussing on the fundamentals – a strong start, simple message and good ending – was really helpful. Memorising your key points also helps to keep things professional, as does using a tripod for your phone. “The other big lesson for me was to be confident and clear with your content. Coming across with confidence helps your audience believe in what you’re saying and trust you. “Smiling more (having a ‘twinkle’ as Roz said) also gives a warmer vibe and again increases viewings, because it shows confidence and personality.”

Irfan Sumbul – Choppy Cuts, Enfield @choppycut10 “Spending time watching myself on video, I couldn’t believe how much I moved while I was talking. Looking at my filmed content with an expert made me realise my movement was quite distracting. “After some serious practising, I still found it hard to stay still. The simple solution? Sit down! So simple, so effective and so easy to implement!”

Sam Marais – Urban Hair, Boroughbridge @sammaraisstylist “The presentation course was incredibly useful because it proved that practice makes perfect, and the more you do it, the less awkward it becomes. The first exercise we did was nerve-wracking and most of us felt a bit embarrassed. By the end of the day, everyone felt comfortable recording around each other and we were able to deliver a clear message that had structure, but which was also fun and engaging. I’ll definitely be doing it more and more, until it becomes second nature.”
Roz ran the workshop with the help of Lydia Nicolaides and Terry Emberson from TV News London, and Georgina Boyd, Head of Marketing, from Schwarzkopf Professional UK.

Georgina says: “I’d like to say a big thank you to Roz for leading the workshop and the huge amount of preparation you did for it. It was something different for the team and they thoroughly enjoyed it and found it useful.”
Click below for more info on the #SKPCollective