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Santa Takes on the Visual Economy  

By Roz Morris, Managing Director, TV News London Ltd

Santa was happily watching his elves busily working away in the toy workshop at the North Pole making wooden toys for good children when Chief Elf suddenly asked him one of those ‘modern’ questions which, in Santa’s experience, usually led to trouble.

“Are you” Chief Elf inquired “aware of the visual economy?”

“The what economy? “ replied Santa, who really had no idea what his undoubtedly knowledgeable and efficient workshop manager was talking about.

“The visual economy” Chief Elf explained patiently  “is everywhere. Until the start of the 21st century reading and writing dominated professional communications in business but once the first mobile phones with built-in digital cameras were produced in the year 2,000 by Sony and Samsung everything changed.

“It’s estimated that there are more than six billion smartphones in the world and anyone with a smartphone now has visual power and can create images and videos as well as text and send them out across the globe.

“We have meetings online on screen in vision and it has never been more important to understand the grammar of the visual economy and know how to look smart and professonal at all times whether in meetings or in videos. Not everyone can do this.”

He peered at Santa who realised there were crumbs in his beard and his red Santa suit was stained and creased with some of the buttons straining to hold on across his well padded stomach. ‘Oh dear’ he thought ‘I really must cut down on the mince pies and Christmas cake as Mrs Claus is always telling me to.’

“And Oh. Oh. Oh,”  he suddenly remembered. “Mustn’t forget that Mrs Claus wants an elf-cleaning oven for Christmas.”   

“Nowadays” Chief Elf continued, “we take in visual information on our phones and computers all day and businesses, governments, police forces and terrorist groups alike – even the British royal family – all make announcements using videos on social media.

“Marketers report that customers remember videos more than just print messages and so” he concluded: ”We are all broadcasters now.”

“Ho. Ho. Ho. How do you know all this?” asked Santa   

“Well I have been reading a book” Chief Elf admitted. “It’s called ‘The Visual Revolution Guidebook’ and I think there are some things that you can learn.”

“Oh yes and what are those?” asked Santa warily. “ I should remind you that we didn’t do well last year with your new JollyHollyTech AI system which couldn’t read children’s handwriting and wanted to send them the wrong presents, plus you had another failure with your RRDDS plan, otherwise known as the grandly titled ‘Reindeer Replacement Drone Delivery Strategy – Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles’.  

“That didn’t work because the drones couldn’t carry enough presents and they kept getting the postcodes wrong. As you know, I was so relieved when the drone project was dropped, and I was able to keep using my sleigh and my reindeer, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph.

“I even made up a special song:  “Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho. No drones for me. Reindeer are best. And always will be.”  

“Yes yes yes. I mean No, no, no. Not the song again please,” pleaded Chief Elf.

“But that’s all in the past” Chief Elf continued, attempting to cheer him up. “We can start with the good news that you do have excellent personal branding. You are an immediately recognizable figure in the visual economy.

“The marketing consultant I asked about this says your red suit trimmed with white fur, long white beard, black belt, and matching boots are a visually simple but effective design which are so consistent and distinctive that they communicate “Santa Claus” instantly, even without additional context. Your jolly demeanour and your red suit communicate warmth.

“You and your elves and your reindeer are iconic figures deeply ingrained in the cultural imagination, and are often visualized in ways that evoke wonder, joy, and a sense of holiday magic.

“Here at the North Pole workshop, we are already using our visual image efficiently with minimal yet impactful detail.”

“You’re quoting the marketing people again aren’t you” said Santa “But I know you’ll want to change something – what is it?”

“Well, we do need to use the visual economy more. You need to do some media interviews and podcasts, and you need to know how not to look amateur in media interviews and videos. So, I’ve set up some training sessions for you with Roz Morris, the author of ‘The Visual Revolution Guidebook’ and she will make sure you know how to make the most of the visual economy.”

“Oh and Elon Musk wants to talk to you” he added as a parting shot.

“Who? What? Why?” asked Santa.

“Oh, he just wants to send you some of his robots to see if they can help with toy production“ said Chief Elf casually. “They’ll be special small elf-sized robots. No bother at all.”

“You never give up do you? ” said Santa. “Well just remember that you shouldn’t take me on in a fight.”

“Why’s that” asked Chief Elf.

“Because I have a black belt,” said Santa and he couldn’t resist adding “Ho. Ho. Ho”